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Lulav & Etrog Purchase

Netivot is excited to offer high quality lulavim and etrogim this year.  Pickup will be available from the shul the week before Sukkot.  A percentage of al proceeds will go back to the shul to help support our programs and operations.

The deadline to submit orders is Sunday October 6.

Chag Sameach!

P.S. For members who would like to pay by check, please log into your account before placing your order, and bill to your account. For first time users, please enter your email address, then click "Forgot Password". If you have problems logging in, email Dan Arking (

Order -- please indicate how many of each type of set you would like.  

Chinuch set (suitable for children) - $30 each

Basic Israel set - $35 each

Sheini Israel set - $50 each

Rishonim Israel Mehadrin set - $65 each

Rishonim Israel Mehadrin set  + Alef hadasim - $80

Thu, October 10 2024 8 Tishrei 5785